
The Manor of


Everything you need to know about the Rochdale Lord of the Manor


The Manor of Rochdale for many centuries has had a significant impact and defining image on the borough of Rochdale. Historically the Manor has provided essential upland grazing for many farm animals, and even to this day for local farms with common grazing rights can benefit from the historic rights.

The industrial revolution of the late 19th Century and early 20th Century benefited from the Manor’s upland profile, by providing water not only for power but for the industrial mills and also water for the cotton manufacturing industry. Furthermore the extensive natural resource of coal under the moors provided a much needed source of heat for the local population and also the source of power to a new type of cotton mill.

More recently the Manor's land is valuable but also catchment land to United Utilities for drinking water. Finally the evolution of wind power – The Manor is contributing to the 21st Century Green Energy Scheme.


The Manor has been established since 1638, which was bought by Sir John Byron and the legacy of the Lord of the Manor has continued.

Manor Land

The land is situated within the boundaries of the Parish of Rochdale, which apears to date back to the 13th century.


The manor deals with: Common land, Ding Quarry, Telecoms, UU Catchment Land & Wind farms.

Contact us

at Andrew Crossley

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Lancashire County Council